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Install Symfony1.1 in Windows with WAMP

Install Symfony1.1 in Windows with WAMP

Part 1 - Installing WAMP

WAMP is a self-installing, all-in-the-box package with Apach, MySQL and PHP 5.

1.Download WampServer2.0c.exe from if local copy is not there.
2.Double click WampServer2.0c.exe.
3.Symfony needs PHP-XSL and Apache URL Rewrite Module to function normally.

a. To activate the Rewrite module - left click on WAMP’s tray icon and then in
Apache >> Apache Modules menu select rewrite_module
(Server will automatically reboot)
b. To enable XSL for php - left click on WAMP’s tray icon and then in
PHP >> PHP Extension menu look for php_xsl and click it.
Open C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6\php.ini and remove “;” from the line:
c. Save and close the file.

4.Add environment variables to have access to PHP & MySQL under the command line.
Right-click on My Computer, then Properties. Switch to Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button. At the end of variable PATH let’s add; C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6; C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.0.51b\bin (paths to MySQL and PHP files separated by a semicolon)

Part 2 - PEAR Install

PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) is a PHP extension distribution system.
In the WAMP’s PHP directory (ie. C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\) run the go-pear. bat file. Follow the installation steps and answer the questions, the default config should be fine, so you can answer:
[Enter] (default value) - if we want PEAR installed system wide.
[Enter] - If we don’t want to change the directory structure.
Y - We allow PEAR to modify our php.ini.
And [Enter] twice to finish.
Inside the PHP directory the installer created a PEAR_ENV.reg file, which after double-clicking will add all the PEAR variables to the registry - no need to do it by hand. Also add the path C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\ to environmental variable similar to the one mentioned above.

Part 3 - Installing Symfony
Open the command line and write:
> pear channel-discover

If everything goes well, the following lines get displayed on the console:

Adding Channel “” succeeded
Discovery of channel “” succeeded

Execute the following command in the console
> pear install symfony/symfony-1.1.6

Part 4 - Create Symfony project

Execute the following from command line;

> cd C:\wamp\www
> mkdir myproject
> cd myproject
> symfony init-project myproject
> symfony init-app testapp
> symfony init-module testapp firstpage

The work can be seen at http://localhost/myproject/web/

Part 5 – Configuring Apache for the project

1.Open httpd.conf in the folder C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\conf
You can see Listen 80 statement. Include Listen 81 below that. (You are going to host the application in port 81)
2.Remove # from the line,
# Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
3.Save and close the file.
4.Open httpd-vhosts.conf in the folder C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\conf\extra
5.Add new virtual host for your application.
6.Save and close the file.
7.Restart Apache : left click on WAMP’s tray icon and then in
Apache >> Service >> Restart Service

8.Take a browser and type http://localhost:81/ in the address bar.
You can see a page similar to the one given below:

[This article was created by my friend Rajeev Gopinath. Also thanks to Anoop Philip...]

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