The golden rule: Imitate the existing symfony code
[1] Never use tabulations in the code. Indentation is done by steps of 4 blanks. For yml files 2 blanks should be used.
[2] Don't put spaces after an opening parenthesis and before a closing one.
if ($reqvalue == _getRequestValue($name)) correct
if ( $reqvalue == _getRequestValue($name) ) incorrect
[3] Use camelCase, not underscores, for variable, function and method names.
[4] Use underscores for helper functions name (only for symfony 1.0 stuff).
[5] Use underscores for option/argument/parameter names.
[6] Braces always go on their own line.
[7] Use braces for indicating control structure body regardless of number of statements it contains.
[8] Don't end library files with the usual ?> closing tag. This is because it is not really needed, and because it can create problems in the output if you ever have white space after this tag.
[9] In a function body, return statements should have a blank line prior to it to increase readability.
function fooFunction()
if (condition2 || condition3)
return 1;
return null;
[10] All one line comments should be on their own lines and in this format.
// space first, with no full stop needed
[11] Avoid evaluating variables within strings, instead opt for concatenation es and string with a lot of substitution
$string = 'something';
$newString = "$string is awesome!"; // bad, not awesome
$newString = $string.' is awesome!'; // better
$newString = sprintf('%s is awesome', $string); // for exception messages and string with a lot of substitution
[12] Use lowercase constants: false, true, null
[13] To check if a variable is null or not, use the is_null() function
[14] When comparing a variable to a string, put the string first:
if (1 == $variable)
[15] A phpdoc block begins with a single line ending with a point. All @... statements does not end with a dot:
* Notifies all listeners of a given event.
* @param sfEvent A sfEvent instance
* @return sfEvent The sfEvent instance